Family High Protein Low Carb Lunchbox Lunch


Family High Protein Low Carb Lunchbox Lunch Ingredients - Makes 1 Wrap

  • 1 Mission low carb tortilla

  • 1 tbsp whipped cream cheese

  • 1 tbsp sun-dried tomato bruschetta spread or use regular pesto

  • 2 slices mozzarella cheese

  • 2 slices Applegate pepperoni

  • 4 slices Applegate salami

  • 1 lettuce leaf


  • Spread cream cheese and sun-dried tomato bruschetta spread on tortilla

  • Add cheese, meats, and lettuce

  • Roll & cut

  • ***I eat 2 for lunch (50 grams of protein) and kids eat 1 (25 grams of protein) 

  • Enjoy!


Baylie’s Keto Walnut Fudge


Lower Carb Higher Protein Boursin Cheese Pasta