With the hyper-convenience of modern life, many of us can only operate a microwave. Enjoying a home-cooked meal is not a luxury… it’s in your grasp! I want to teach you how to eat fun, healthy, quick meals and still get results.

I have been on a 16 year journey towards food freedom. I was diagnosed with anorexia and then turned to alcohol and binge eating. It wasn’t until I began my fitness and nutrition program that I found food and fitness freedom.

What does Food Freedom mean to me?

Ditching diet culture and restrictive diets and changing my mindset in order to overcome food addiction. Tuning into my internal cues of fullness and hunger. Removing morality from foods. Focusing on health promoting behaviors rather than the scale.

It’s ALL in your head. Here is some advice:

•Personal Development; mindset shift.

•Focus on the purpose that food serves such as energy or nourishment - Stop labeling it “good” or “bad.”

•Give yourself permission to enjoy foods you love - that way you don’t binge later. Learn to make the foods you love into a healthier version.

•Tune in to your internal cues - learn the hunger scale.

•Focus on how a food makes you feel - choose feel good foods.

•Stop counting calories, macros, weighing food - this isn’t sustainable.

•Dont reward yourself with food - you are not a dog.